Driver Acquitted of Killing Flagger on Road Project

A driver struck and killed a flagger working on a [...]

AIR POLLUTION: What You Need to Know about the National Air Quality Management System

Here?s an overview of the Air Quality Management System and its possible impact on companies that emit substances that contribute to air pollution.

Lightning Safety: When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors

Lightning strikes once every three seconds in the summer. So if your workers work outside and are at risk of getting struck, take steps to protect them.

Get Your Workers More Engaged in the OHS Program

Most of you believe your workers are engaged in your OHS program. But for the rest, there are strategies you can use to improve worker engagement and overall safety.

Farmer Convicted of Dangerous Operation of Tractor

A farmer was driving a tractor at 30-35 kilometers per [...]

OK to Fire Worker Who Was a “Simmering Ball of Negativity”

A city worker was fired after making somewhat menacing comments [...]

One-Day Suspension Not Warranted for Worker’s Questioning of Testing Policy

A mill held a crew talk to introduce a new [...]

Environmental Consultant Penalized $10,000 for Creating Fake Water Licence

An environmental consultant pleaded guilty to creating a false Temporary [...]

By |2013-07-15T00:00:00-07:00July 15, 2013|Alberta, Environmental, JURISDICTION, OHS Program, TOPIC|0 Comments

SPILLS: Inspect 10 Areas to Prevent Spills from Heating Oil Tanks

Because there's an increase in spills from heating oil tanks in the warm weather, it's a good time for all property managers and companies to inspect such tanks.

TRAPS TO AVOID: Not Taking Harassment Complaints Seriously

Even if a harassment or other complaint seems frivolous, failing to take it seriously could have serious consequences.

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