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WHMIS rules require that SDS’, whether paper or electronic, be readily available to workers.
WHMIS regulations require employers to ensure that each hazardous product used in the workplace has a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) that’s readily available to workers that may be exposed to the product. While the SDS availability rules are similar in each jurisdiction, there are also subtle differences with regard to:
- Whether the regulations specifically define what ‘readily available’ means;
- Whether members of the workplace JHSC or health and safety representative must also have access to SDS’;
- Whether employers must consult with the JHSC or HSR in deciding on a format for maintaining accessible SDS’; and
- What, if anything, the regulations say about whether SDS’ may be maintained electronically.
Here’s a summary of the requirements in each jurisdiction.
- JHSC: Joint health and safety committee for the workplace
- HSR: Health and safety representative for the workplace