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Confined Spaces Entry Policy

While there are slight differences by geography, the basic measures required to control confined spaces entry are fairly uniform across Canada. Thus, while this Model Policy is based on Alberta regulations, OHS managers can easily adapt it to fit their own jurisdiction’s OHS requirements.


ABC Company has adopted this Policy to prevent injuries to workers and other personnel entering, working inside, and working near Confined Spaces and Restricted Spaces located in ABC Company workplaces in accordance with the requirements of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code (“Code”), as well as of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act (“Act”), Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (“Regulation”), the ABC Company Occupational Health and Safety Program (“OHS Program”) and other applicable requirements and standards.


For purposes of this Policy:

  • “Code of Practice” means the Code of Practice for entry and work inside a particular Confined Space developed by ABC Company;
  • “Competent” when used to refer to a person, means the person is adequately qualified, suitably trained, and sufficiently experienced to perform work without supervision or a minimal degree of supervision;
  • “Confined Space” means a Restricted Space which may become hazardous to a person entering it because:
    • An atmosphere that is or may be injurious due to oxygen deficiency or enrichment, explosivity, or toxicity;OR
    • A condition or changing set of circumstances within the space that presents a potential for injury or illness; OR
    • The potential or inherent characteristics of an activity which can produce adverse or harmful consequences in the space, e.g., conducting hot work inside an oxygen enriched space;
    • Examples of Confined Spaces:
      • Crawlspaces;
      • Ducts;
      • Excavations;
      • Exchangers;
      • Pipelines;
      • Piping Systems;
      • Sewers;
      • Some components of major equipment;
      • Tanks;
      • Utility manholes;
    • “Co-Ordination Document” means a document that sets out a uniform safe entry procedure for entry into a particular Confined Space or Restricted Space at an ABC Company work site where the entry involves workers of more than one employer, to be prepared by ABC Company or the Prime Contractor for the project;
    • “Explosive atmosphere” means an atmosphere that both:
      • Contains a substance in a mixture with air, under atmospheric conditions and at a concentration between the substance’s LEL and upper explosive limit; AND
      • Is capable of killing or injuring a person or destroying adjacent objects;
    • “Hazardous Energy” means electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, nuclear, thermal, gravitational, or any other form of energy inside a Confined or Restricted Space that could cause injury due to the unintended motion, energizing, start‐up or release of such stored or residual energy in machinery, equipment, piping, pipelines or process systems used in or near the space;
    • “Hot work” means work in which a flame is used or sparks or other sources of ignition may be produced, including:
      • Cutting, welding, burning, air gouging, riveting, drilling, grinding, and chipping; AND
      • Using electrical equipment not classified for use in a hazardous location; AND
      • Introducing a combustion engine to a work process;
    • “Inerting” means to intentionally flood the atmosphere inside a Confined Space with an inert gas to eliminate the hazard of igniting flammable vapours;
    • “LEL” means the lower explosive limit, i.e., lower value of the range of concentration of a substance, in a mixture with air, at which the substance may ignite;
    • “OEL” means the occupational exposure limit for a particular chemical substance inside a Confined or Restricted Space set out in Schedule 1, Table 2 of the Code;
    • “PPE” means personal protective equipment;
    • “Prime Contractor” means an outside company, entity, or individual hired by ABC Company to perform work at an ABC Company work site who is primarily responsible for carrying out the project and ensuring the work complies with regulatory requirements;
    • “Purge” means to remove a substance by displacing it with another substance;
    • “Restricted Space” means an enclosed or partially enclosed space, not designed or intended for continuous human occupancy, that has a restricted, limited, or impeded means of entry or exit due to its construction;
    • “Tending Worker” means a competent worker appointed to remain outside the Confined Space or Restricted Space during entry and remain in contact with the workers inside.

Certain operations at ABC Company work sites require workers to enter Confined Spaces. Doing a job inside a Confined Space makes it 150 times more dangerous to not only the workers inside but to potential rescuers sent in to help them in an emergency. ABC Company will ensure that all workplaces will be assessed to determine if there are any Confined Spaces are present and that nobody is permitted to enter any identified Confined Spaces unless: i. they receive proper training and authorization in accordance with this Policy; and ii. all of the required safety measures for safe entry are taken before and during entry.


The intent of this Policy is to ensure that all workers engaged to work at ABC Company work sites who are required to enter or work with or near Confined Spaces are appropriately protected regardless of who pays or employs those workers, including:

  • Full- or part-time workers employed by ABC Company;
  • Temporary employees placed by an outside agency to work at the site;
  • Contract labourers engaged to perform work at the site;
  • Volunteers who work at the site for free; and
  • Workers employed by prime contractors, contractors, and subcontractors to perform work at the site under a contract with ABC Company.

5.1. Employer

ABC Company owners, corporate officers and directors, upper managers, and others who may be considered an “employer” under the Act will oversee this Policy and ensure it is effectively implemented and that:

  • All Confined Spaces and Restricted Spaces at ABC Company workplaces are identified;
  • The hazard assessments required by this Policy are carried out and reviewed as often as necessary to ensure they remain responsive to current work conditions;
  • No worker is allowed to enter a Confined Space or Restricted Space without proper authorization;
  • All affected workers, supervisors, tending workers, and other personnel receive appropriate Confined Space and Restricted safety training, information, and instruction;
  • All affected workers, supervisors, tending workers, and other personnel are aware of and follow the Code of Practice for Confined Space entry;
  • All of the controls required by this Policy and the Code are effectively implemented;
  • All safety equipment and PPE required for safe entry and work inside a Confined Space or Restricted Space is provided and properly used;
  • A competent person provides appropriate safety training to all workers who enter and work inside Confined or Restricted Spaces;
  • Other resources necessary to implement this Policy are furnished;
  • This Policy is appropriately applied to outside contractors and subcontractors and co-ordinated with parallel policies used by Prime Contractors for work involving Confined Space or Restricted Space entry at an ABC Company work site;
  • All required records for Confined Space and Restricted Space entry are kept and retained;
  • This Policy is appropriately monitored and reviewed in consultation with the workplace Joint Health and Safety Committee, Health and Safety Representative, or where no Committee or Representative exists, directly with affected workers at the work site.

5.2. Site Manager/Safety Coordinator

The site Manager, Safety Coordinator, or other person in charge of safety at the workplace will be thoroughly familiar with and oversee implementation of this Policy with responsibility for ensuring that:

  • All Confined Spaces and Restricted Spaces at the workplace are identified;
  • A complete hazard assessment is performed on identified Confined Spaces and Restricted Spaces;
  • All Confined Spaces and Restricted Spaces are clearly marked as such and properly secured to bar unauthorized entry;
  • A competent person is appointed to carry out all of the required pre- and post-entry testing, monitoring, and other safety procedures and measures required by this Policy;
  • No worker is allowed to enter or work inside a Confined Space or Restricted Space without receiving training by a competent person;
  • Each Confined Space entry is performed in accordance with the terms set out in the Code of Practice and entry permit;
  • Workers who enter and work inside Confined Spaces and Restricted Spaces properly use all required safety equipment and PPE;
  • Prime Contractors, contractors or subcontractors whose workers work in or near Confined Spaces are made aware of and required to comply or coordinate their own Confined Spaces safety measures with the procedures and requirements of this Policy;
  • This Policy is properly reviewed.

5.3. Supervisors

Supervisors leading or overseeing Confined Space and Restricted Space entries must be thoroughly familiar with and competent to perform their duties under this Policy, including ensuring that no worker enters or works inside a Confined Space or Restricted Space unless and until:

  • A hazard assessment has been performed on the Confined or Restricted Space;
  • Workers have received appropriate safety training from a competent person, including instruction on the proper use of the required PPE and safety equipment;
  • Sources of hazardous energy inside a Restricted Space have been locked out and isolated;
  • A suitably trained Tending Worker is in place;
  • A safe means of entering and exiting the space is in place;
  • Measures are in place to protect workers inside the space from hazards posed by traffic in the vicinity of the Confined Space or Restricted Space;
  • An effective rescue can be carried out.

Where work is to be conducted inside a Confined Space, supervisors shall ensure that the following additional precautions have been taken:

  • A valid permit has been issued for the entry;
  • All workers are familiar with and ready, willing, and able to follow the safe entry procedure for the entry set out in the Code of Practice for the Confined Space to be entered;
  • All pre-entry atmospheric testing has been completed;
  • Where a hazardous atmosphere exists or may potentially exist inside the Confined Space, atmospheric testing and monitoring will continue after and during entry while workers remain inside the space;
  • The air inside the Confined Space containing or potentially containing a hazardous atmosphere has been ventilated, inerted, and/or purged;
  • The appropriate safety measures required for ventilation and inerting have been taken;
  • Measures are in place to protect workers from release of hazardous energy or substances that could harm them;
  • Measures are in place to protect workers from drowning, engulfment, and entrapment;
  • Confined Space entries are properly documented.

Supervisors are also responsible for ensuring that this Policy is appropriately reviewed.

5.4. Workers

Workers will refrain from entering or remaining inside Confined and Restricted Spaces unless:

  • A hazard assessment has been performed on the Confined or Restricted Space;
  • They have received appropriate safety training from a competent person, including instruction on the proper use of the required PPE and safety equipment;
  • Sources of hazardous energy inside a Restricted Space have been locked out and isolated;
  • A suitably trained Tending Worker is in place;
  • A safe means of entering and exiting the space is in place;
  • Measures are in place to protect them from hazards posed by traffic in the vicinity of the Confined Space or Restricted Space;
  • An effective rescue can be carried out.

Where work is to be conducted inside a Confined Space, workers will not enter the space until the following additional precautions have been taken:

  • A valid permit has been issued for the entry;
  • They are familiar with and ready, willing, and able to follow the safe entry procedure for the entry set out in the Code of Practice ;
  • All pre-entry atmospheric testing has been completed and, where necessary, will continue during entry;
  • The air inside the Confined Space containing or potentially containing a hazardous atmosphere has been safely ventilated, inerted, and/or purged;
  • Measures are in place to protect workers from release of hazardous energy or substances that could harm them;
  • Measures are in place to protect workers from drowning, engulfment, and entrapment.

Workers must also:

  • Properly use, inspect, and maintain required PPE and safety equipment;
  • Attend and apply all Confined Space and Restricted Space training sessions;
  • Follow all Confined Space and Restricted Space safe work practices and procedures, including the Code of Practice for Confined Space entry;
  • Report any hazards to their Supervisor.

5.5. Tending Workers

Competent workers appointed to serve as Tending Workers for entry into a Confined Space or Restricted Space will:

  • Maintain communication with workers inside the space throughout entry; AND
  • Be equipped with a suitable system for calling for help.

Where entry is made into a Confined Space, Tending Workers must have training in the evacuation procedure set out in the emergency response plan and remain stationed outside the Confined Space at or near the entrance at all times during entry if:

  • The air inside the Confined Space contains less than 19.5% oxygen content by volume; OR
  • The air inside the Confined Space contains greater than 23.0% oxygen content by volume; OR
  • The concentration of a chemical substance inside the Confined Space is greater than 50% of its OEL; OR
  • The hazard assessment for the Confined Space identifies any other hazard that can’t be eliminated or effectively controlled.

Tending Workers for Confined Space entries required to be in place in accordance with the above paragraph will:

  • Keep track at all times of the number of workers inside the Confined Space; AND
  • Remain in constant communication with the workers inside the Confined Space; AND
  • Have a suitable system for calling for help;
  • Remain at their station and not leave the area until all workers leave the Confined Space or another Tending Worker takes over for them.

5.6. Contractors and Subcontractors

Contractors and subcontractors hired to perform work involving or affecting Confined or Restricted Spaces entry at an ABC Company work site will:

  • Be notified of the terms of this Policy (or the Co-Ordination Document where the work is overseen by a Prime Contractor);
  • Ensure that all of their own workers involved in Confined or Restricted Space entry are made aware of and required to abide by the terms of this Policy (or the Co-Ordination Document where the work is overseen by a Prime Contractor).

5.7. Prime Contractors

Prime Contractors designated to be in charge of work at ABC Company work sites that involves entry into Confined or Restricted Spaces will:

  • Prepare the Co-Ordination Document to ensure that all workers conducting Confined or Restricted Spaces operations as part of the work are following a single set of safety standards;
  • Ensure that the Co-Ordination Document incorporates either the terms of this Policy or separate terms that are appropriate for use in the ABC Company workplace and provides at least the equivalent safety and protection for Confined and Restricted Spaces set out in this Policy;
  • Furnish a copy of the Co-Ordination Document to ABC Company and each employer of workers who perform work in or near the Confined or Restricted Space at the ABC Company work site in connection with the project for which the Prime Contractor has been designated to serve as Prime Contractor;
  • Upon request, furnish a copy of the Co-Ordination Document to the workplace Joint Health and Safety Committee, Health and Safety Representative, or if no Committee or Representative exists, all workers performing operations covered by the Co-Ordination Document (and/or this Policy)/

5.8. Workplace Safety Committee/Safety Representative

ABC Company will consult with and secure the participation of the workplace Joint Health and Safety Committee, Health and Safety Representative, or where no Committee or Representative exists, the affected workers at the site in developing and implementing this Policy, including:

  • Identification of Confined Spaces and Restricted Spaces;
  • Hazard assessment of Confined and Restricted Spaces;
  • Development of safe work procedures and other controls for Confined Space and Restricted Space entry, including but not limited to, the Code of Practice for Confined Space Entry;
  • Inspection of Confined Spaces as part of routine workplace inspections;
  • Investigation of injuries, illnesses, accidents, incidents, and near-misses in Confined Spaces and Restricted Spaces;
  • Review of this Policy.

5.9. Visitors

Visitors to ABC Company workplaces (other than Prime Contractors, Contractors, and Subcontractors) will:

  • Refrain from entering Confined Spaces and Restricted Spaces unless they have proper authorization and training, e.g., an outside rescue worker;
  • Properly use any PPE they’re asked to use;
  • Follow all applicable workplace safe work practices and procedures.

6.1. Step 1: Identification of Confined and Restricted Spaces

ABC Company will designate a competent person to perform an assessment of the work area to determine whether it contains any Confined Spaces or Restricted Spaces. Spaces identified as being Confined or Restricted Spaces will be secured to prevent unauthorized entry. Danger signs will be posted at or near the entrance of Confined and Restricted Spaces to warn workers that the spaces are Confined or Restricted Spaces and may not be entered without proper authorization.  Workers will assume that unmarked spaces are Confined or Restricted Spaces that may not be entered without authorization unless and until their Supervisor specifically tells them otherwise.

6.2. Step 2: Decision Whether to Allow Entry

Once a space has been identified as a Confined Space or Restricted Space, ABC Company will make the decision to either:

  • Option 1: Bar any and all entry into the Confined Space or Restricted Space by any person for any purpose—in which case warning signs will be posted and the entrance sealed or barred to keep out entrants; or
  • Option 2: Conduct a hazard assessment to determine whether to allow entry into the Confined Space or Restricted Space for limited work operations.

6.3. Step 3: Confined/Restricted Space Hazard Assessment

Where workers are allowed to enter a Confined or Restricted Space, ABC Company will appoint a competent person to:

  • Identify and assess the hazards to which workers are likely to be exposed while inside the Confined or Restricted Space;
  • Specify the type and frequency of inspections and tests necessary to determine the likelihood of actual exposure to each identified hazard;
  • Perform the specified tests and inspections at the frequencies specified;
  • Specify the safety equipment and PPE workers need to perform the work safely;
  • Specify the PPE and emergency equipment rescue personnel need to perform rescue operations inside the space.

In identifying and assessing Confined Space and Restricted Space hazards, the competent person will consider the following risk factors:

  • Atmospheric conditions inside the space, including oxygen content, hazardous concentrations of flammable or explosive substances above their LEL, and concentrations of other hazardous chemical agents above their OEL;
  • Whether the openings for entry and exit are adequate to allow safe passage for a person wearing the PPE required to enter the Confined Space or Restricted Space;
  • Hazards posed by the location of the Confined Space or Restricted Space, e.g., where an entry is near vehicular traffic or above deep water;
  • Hazards related to the type of work performed inside the space, e.g., hot work in oxygen enriched atmospheres;
  • Human risk factors based on the characteristics of the individuals performing the work, e.g., how old they are, their medical condition, etc.;
  • Engulfment, drowning, and entrapment hazards.

6.4. Step 4: Hazard Assessment Report

The competent person who performs the Confined Spaces and Restricted Spaces hazard assessment will create a written record of the hazard assessment listing the competent person’s name and signature, date of the assessment, hazards identified, inspections, tests, and other measures used to control them.

Copies of the hazard assessment report will be kept at the work site and, upon request, be provided to the workplace Joint Health and Safety Committee, Health and Safety Representative, or if no Committee or Representative exists, workers at the site who engage in Confined or Restricted Space entry work addressed in the report.

The hazard assessment for a particular Confined Space or Restricted Space will be reviewed on a regular basis and immediately:

  • When injuries, illnesses, incidents, accidents, or near-misses occur in or near the Confined Space or Restricted Space covered in the hazard assessment report;
  • When new work processes in or near the Confined Space or Restricted Space not adequately addressed in the previous hazard assessment for the space are introduced;
  • When significant changes to the work processes or operations in or near the Confined Space or Restricted Space are made;
  • When significant new technology is introduced affecting work in or near the Confined Space or Restricted Space;
  • Before the construction of significant additions or alterations to a work site are made that potentially affect the Confined Space or Restricted Space;
  • If there are other indications of changes or hazards not adequately addressed in the previous hazard assessment report.

7.1. Pre-Entry Atmospheric Testing

Where the hazard assessment identifies a Confined Space as having an actual or potential atmospheric hazard, and a worker is authorized or required to enter the Confined Space, ABC Company will ensure that:

  • A competent worker who fully understands the testing methods and uses and limitations of the testing equipment performs a pre-entry test of the Confined Space to both:
    • Verify that oxygen content is between 19.5% and 23.0% by volume; AND
    • Identify the amount of toxic, flammable, or explosive substance that may be present;
  • The pre-entry atmospheric testing is carried out using calibrated test instruments appropriate for the atmosphere being tested; and
  • The testing instruments are used in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.

7.2. Post-Entry Atmospheric Testing

ABC Company will ensure that after the first time a worker enters the Confined Space, a competent worker, as often as necessary:

  • Performs the tests listed in Section 7.1. above; AND
  • Identifies and makes a record of any additional hazards.

Where there’s a potential for the atmosphere inside the Confined Space to change unpredictably after a worker enters it, the atmosphere will be continually monitored in accordance with Section 7.1. Any additional hazards identified during testing will be dealt with in accordance with the Code and this Policy and the measures used to control them are incorporated into the Code of Practice for entry into the particular Confined Space. Where hot work is conducted inside the Confined Space, additional atmospheric testing will be conducted to the extent required by the Code and this Policy.

7.3. Documentation & Retention of Atmospheric Testing Results

The competent person who performs testing will set out the results of pre- and post-entry atmospheric testing, including testing methods, results and test equipment used, in a written report. ABC Company will retain copies of written reports of testing results in accordance with the recordkeeping provisions set out in Section 17 of this Policy below.

7.4. Control of Atmospheric Hazards—General

Where the above atmospheric tests identify that a hazardous atmosphere does or potentially exists inside a Confined Space, ABC Company will ensure that the Confined Space is ventilated, purged, or both before a worker enters the space.Where ventilation or purging a Confined Space is impractical or ineffective in eliminating the hazardous atmosphere, ABC Company will ensure that a worker who enters the Confined Space uses PPE appropriate for the conditions inside the space in accordance with this Policy

7.5. Ventilation

ABC Company will ensure that:

  • Mechanical ventilation is provided and operated as needed where it’s needed to maintain a safe atmosphere in a Confined Space during the work process;
  • Where ventilation is used to control atmospheric hazards inside the Confined Space, all workers are required to evacuate the Confined Space or use an alternative means of protection if the ventilation system fails;
  • Where evacuation is required in the event of ventilation system failure that:
    • There’s an evacuation procedure in place in case the ventilation system fails; AND
    • All workers are trained to carry out the evacuation procedure; AND
    • The ventilation system has an alarm or other method of alerting workers of system failure; AND
    • The alarm signal gives workers enough time to execute the safe evacuation procedure.

7.6. Inerting

ABC Company will ensure that:

  • A Confined Space is inerted if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate an explosive or flammable atmosphere inside the space through another means;
  • Where inerting is used to control atmospheric hazards inside the Confined Space:
    • All workers entering the space are equipped with proper supplied air respiratory protective equipment; AND
    • All ignition sources are controlled ;AND
    • The atmosphere inside the Confined Space stays inerted while workers remain inside it.

8.1. Hazardous Substances & Energy

ABC Company will ensure that workers inside a Confined Space are protected against the release of hazardous substances or energy that could harm them and that hazardous energy inside a Restricted Space is controlled.

8.2. Drowning/Engulfment/Entrapment Hazards

ABC Company will ensure that no worker enters a Confined Space unless adequate precautions are in place to protect the worker from drowning, engulfment, or entrapment.

8.3. Traffic Hazards

ABC Company will ensure that workers inside a Confined Space or Restricted Space are protected from hazards created by vehicular or pedestrian traffic in the vicinity of the Confined or Restricted Space.

8.4. Entry & Exit Hazards

ABC Company will ensure that openings for entry into and exit from a Confined Space or Restricted Space are adequate to allow safe passage for:

  • All workers authorized or required to enter the Confined or Restricted Space while wearing the PPE required for the operation; and
  • All rescue personnel attending to workers inside the Confined or Restricted Space.
  1. Code of Practice for Confined Space Entry

ABC Company will establish a Code of Practice governing the practices and procedures to be followed when workers enter and work inside a Confined Space (as required by the Code), The Code of Practice of will incorporate the Confined Spaces safety requirements set out in Part 5 of the Code. Where hot work is to be conducted inside the Confined Space, the Code of Practice will also incorporate the applicable safety requirements set out in the Code, including but not limited to provisions relating to:

  • Issuance of a hot work permit;
  • Preparation of the hot work location;
  • Procedures for ensuring continuous safe performance of the hot work;
  • Atmospheric testing required for hot work.

The Code of Practice will identify all Confined Spaces and Restricted Spaces at the work site. All workers involved in any aspect of Confined Space entry must follow the requirements and procedures set out in the Code of Practice.The Code of Practice will be maintained and reviewed at least once a year and whenever:

  • Injuries, illnesses, incidents, accidents, or near-misses occur in or near the Confined Space;
  • New work processes in or near the Confined Space not addressed in the previous Code of Practice are introduced;
  • Significant changes to the work processes or operations in or near the Confined Space not addressed in the previous Code of Practice are made;
  • Significant new technology is introduced affecting work in or near the Confined space;
  • Construction is undertaken or alterations are made to the Confined Space;
  • Other changes or circumstances that significantly affect the validity of the Code of Practice arise.

In creating, implementing, and reviewing the Code of Practice, ABC Company will consult with the workplace Joint Health and Safety Committee, Health and Safety Representative, or where no Committee or Representative exists, directly with the workers at the site.


No person may enter a Confined Space unless and until a Confined Space entry permit that meets the requirements of this Section has been issued.

Before a Confined Space can be entered, a competent person must properly complete and sign a Confined Space Entry Permit that:

  • Lists the name of each worker who enters the Confined Space;
  • Lists their reason for entering;
  • Lists the location of the Confined Space;
  • Specifies the time during which the entry permit is valid;
  • Takes into account the work being done inside the Confined Space;
  • Takes into account the Code of Practice requirements for entering, being inside, and exiting the Confined Space.

ABC Company will ensure that a copy of the completed and signed entry permit is readily available at the site of the Confined Space to which it pertains. ABC Company may issue a single entry permit covering more than one Confined Space as long as the hazard assessment for each Confined Space covered shows that the hazards are the same. Once a permit expires or is terminated, a new one must be completed based on an assessment of the new conditions before further entries into the space are allowed.


ABC Company will ensure that:

  • The safety equipment and PPE required by law and this Policy is available to workers entering a Confined Space or Restricted Space, including but not limited to supplied air respiratory protection that meets the requirements of Part 18 of the Code for any worker entering a Confined Space that has been inerted to control atmospheric hazards;
  • All workers who enter, occupy, and exit a Confined Space or Restricted Space properly use the required safety equipment and PPE;
  • If a lifeline is required inside a Confined Space or Restricted Space, it is used in a manner that does not create an additional hazard;
  • The emergency equipment and PPE required by law and this Policy is available to workers undertaking rescue operations inside a Confined Space or Restricted Space;
  • Equipment that’s appropriate to the Confined or Restricted Space, including PPE, is available to perform a timely rescue;
  • A communication system is established that is readily available to workers inside the Confined Space or Restricted Space that is appropriate to the hazards;
  • All PPE and emergency equipment required for use in a Confined Space or Restricted Space is inspected by a competent person to ensure that it is in good working order before workers enter the Confined or Restricted Space;
  • Records of inspections of emergency equipment and PPE are made and retained in accordance with this Policy.

ABC Company will ensure that a competent worker is designated to serve as a Tending Worker for every entry into a Confined Space or Restricted Space who will:

  • Maintain communication with workers inside the space throughout entry; AND
  • Be equipped with a suitable system for calling for help.

Where entry is made into a Confined Space, the Tending Worker will have training in the evacuation procedure set out in the emergency response plan and remain stationed outside the Confined Space at or near the entrance at all times during entry if:

  • The air inside the Confined Space contains less than 19.5% oxygen content by volume; OR
  • The air inside the Confined Space contains greater than 23.0% oxygen content by volume; OR
  • The concentration of a chemical substance inside the Confined Space is greater than 50% of its OEL; OR
  • The hazard assessment for the Confined Space identifies any other hazard that can’t be eliminated or effectively controlled.

Tending Workers for Confined Space entries required in accordance with the above paragraph will:

  • Keep track at all times of the number of workers inside the Confined Space; AND
  • Remain in constant communication with the workers inside the Confined Space; AND
  • Have a suitable system for calling for help;
  • Remain at their station and not leave the area until all workers leave the Confined Space or another Tending Worker takes over for them.

ABC Company will ensure that no worker enters or remains inside a Confined Space or Restricted Space unless an effective rescue can be carried out. Workers will refrain from entering or remaining inside a Confined Space or Restricted Space unless an effective rescue can be carried out. ABC Company will ensure that an emergency response plan is in place in case of an accident or other emergency inside a Confined Space or Restricted Space.The emergency response plan will include procedures to immediately evacuate the Confined Space or Restricted Space:

  • When an alarm is activated; OR
  • If the concentration of oxygen inside the space drops below 19.5% or exceeds 23.0% by volume; OR
  • If there is a significant change in the amount of hazardous substances inside the Confined Space.

ABC Company will ensure that any contractors and subcontractors it hires to perform work involving or affecting Confined or Restricted Spaces entry at an ABC Company worksite is:

  • Notified of the existence and location of the Confined Spaces and Restricted Spaces at the site, the dangers they pose, and the measures in place to control them;
  • Notified of the terms of this Policy (or the Co-Ordination Document where the work is overseen by a Prime Contractor);
  • Required to ensure that their own workers involved in Confined or Restricted Space entry at the ABC Company site are made aware of and required to abide by the terms of this Policy (or the Co-Ordination Document where the work is overseen by a Prime Contractor).

Prime Contractors for work at ABC Company work sites that involves entry into Confined or Restricted Spaces will after being  notified of the existence and location of the Confined or Restricted Spaces at the site, the dangers they pose, and the measures in place to control them:

  • Prepare the Co-Ordination Document to ensure that all workers conducting Confined or Restricted Spaces operations as part of the work are following a single set of safety standards;
  • Ensure that the Co-Ordination Document incorporates either the terms of this Policy or separate terms that are appropriate for use in the ABC Company workplace and provides at least the equivalent safety and protection for Confined and Restricted Spaces set out in this Policy;
  • Furnish a copy of the Co-Ordination Document to ABC Company and each employer of workers who perform work in or near the Confined or Restricted Space at the ABC Company work site in connection with the project for which the Prime Contractor has been designated to serve as Prime Contractor;
  • Upon request, furnish a copy of the Co-Ordination Document to the workplace Joint Health and Safety Committee, Health and Safety Representative, or if no Committee or Representative exists, all workers performing operations covered by the Co-Ordination Document (and/or this Policy).

ABC Company will ensure that:

  • Any worker assigned duties related to Confined Space or Restricted Space entry is trained by a competent person in:
    • Recognizing the hazards of working in a Confined or Restricted Space;
    • Performing their work duties in a safe and healthy manner.
  • Records of the above training are kept and retained;
  • Workers trained to respond to emergencies inside a Confined Space or Restricted Space can demonstrate their competence in:
    • First aid; AND
    • Proper use of the appropriate emergency response equipment; AND
    • Procedures appropriate to the Confined Space or Restricted Space.

This Policy will be reviewed, in consultation with the workplace Joint Health and Safety Committee, Health and Safety Representative, or, where no Committee or Representative exists, directly with workers at the site, at least once a year and more frequently where:

  • Injuries, illnesses, incidents, accidents, or near-misses occur in or near a Confined Space or Restricted Space;
  • New work processes in or near Confined Spaces and Restricted Spaces not adequately addressed in the previous hazard assessment for the space are introduced;
  • Significant changes to the work processes or operations in or near Confined Spaces or Restricted Spaces are made;
  • Significant new technology is introduced affecting work in or near Confined Spaces or Restricted Spaces;
  • Construction of significant additions or alterations to or affecting a Confined or Restricted Space are made;
  • There are other indications of changes or respiratory hazards not adequately addressed in the previous hazard assessment report.

ABC Company will ensure that all records respecting each entry and work inside a Confined Space, including entry permits and atmospheric testing, are retained for at least:

  • One year if no incident or unplanned event occurs during that particular entry into the Confined Space; OR

Two years if incidents or unplanned events do occur during that particular entry into the Confined Space.