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Suspension Letter to Worker for Safety Violation



Worker’s Name


Suspension Letter for Your Repeated Failure to Follow Safety Rules

Dear First Name:

This is to notify that you have been suspended without pay for [number] days, effective [date]. The reason for your suspension is repeated failure to follow Company safety rules, specifically [cite rules violated by policy number, e.g., Section 12(a) of the Fall Protection Plan] which requires that [describe violations]. We regret having to take this action, but your continuing failure to follow safety rules and obey our warnings leaves us no choice.

First Violation & Verbal Counseling

Your first violation occurred on [date] when you were observed [describe offence]. In response, your [supervisor name] took you aside to provide verbal counselling to explain what you were doing wrong and why it was a violation of Company safety policies.  You explained [summarize worker’s explanation]. But you also agreed that what you were doing was wrong and unacceptably dangerous and that you could face discipline for future violations. As counseling ended, you promised [supervisor name] that you wouldn’t do it again and assured him/her you would make a more determined effort to follow safety rules in the future.

Second Violation & Written Warning

Despite these assurances, you [describe new offence] on [date]. Once again, [supervisor name] spoke to you about working unsafely and pointed out the safety rules you were violating. This time, your explanation was [summarize worker’s explanation].  We concluded that your explanation was unsatisfactory and sent you a written warning letter on [date] to make it clear that we found your behaviour unacceptable and warning that any further violations would result in further disciplinary action under the Company progressive discipline policy.

Most Recent Violation

Regrettably, we have found it necessary to follow through on our previous warning and impose a suspension as a result of this most recent infraction which occurred on [date] when you were spotted [describe new offence]. As with the previous incidents, your supervisor spoke to you about your misconduct and explained why it was unsafe and in violation of Company safety policy. Once again, you were asked to provide an explanation. You responded by indicating that [summarize worker’s explanation].


We have concluded that this explanation is unsatisfactory.  Accordingly, we are suspending you without pay for [number] days for your continued failure to abide by workplace safety rules.


Please be advised that this is your final warning. The workplace rules are there to protect you and your fellow workers. Accordingly, if you commit any further safety violations, we will impose further penalties under the progressive discipline policy up to and including termination of your employment.

We will keep a copy of this suspension letter in your personnel file for [number of] years.

Please contact me if you have any questions or want to discuss the contents of this suspension letter.


Truly yours,

[Signed OHS/HR Director]

I have read and understood this letter: __________________________________________

Date: ___________________