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Mental Health – 2023 Year in Review


Mar 9: From now through May 28, Alberta will be accepting applications for Supporting Psychological Health in First Responders (SPHIFR) grants from research and nonprofit organizations that want to carry out projects to support the mental health and well-being of first responders and emergency healthcare workers.

Action Point: Find out about workers comp coverage for PTSD and mental stress.


May 28: That’s the final day of applications for Supporting Psychological Health in First Responders (SPHIFR) grants from research and nonprofit organizations that want to carry out projects to support the mental health and well-being of first responders and emergency healthcare workers.

Action Point: Find out about workers comp coverage for PTSD and mental stress.



Jul 11: New Brunswick launched a free new hotline (reachable at 1-866-355-5550) that residents with mental health and addiction issues can call 24 hours a day to speak to clinical therapists, registered nurses, social workers, and other “care coaches.”.



Oct 6: Saskatchewan’s newly released Action Plan for Mental Health and Addictions provides for the creation of 500 new addiction treatment spaces as well as a central intake system to improve accessibility and care services.