Compliance Game Plan
Workplace Fatigue Risk Management System
While workplace fatigue has been around as long as workplaces have existed, the problem has assumed a new urgency. Labour shortages and rising wages are creating intense pressure on workers to work longer and sleep less. The inevitable buildup of fatigue and exhaustion is increasing the likelihood of workplace incidents, injuries and even deaths to the extent it leads to:
- Slowed reaction time;
- Reduced vigilance;
- Impaired decision-making ability;
- Poor judgment;
- Distraction during complex tasks; and
- Loss of awareness in critical situations
Fill in your information on the form and take a look at what you as an OHS professional can do to help your company manage workplace fatigue risks.
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Supervisory Due Diligence: Satisfying Your Responsibility For Occupational Health & Safety
Speaker: Andrew C. Wood.
Recorded Date: November 9th, 2022.
The presentation is intended to assist supervisors and managers in understanding and fulfilling their responsibility for ensuring workplace occupational health and safety. Topics that will be addressed include a review of basic obligations, the due diligence standard, attributes and responsibilities of effective duly diligent supervisors and managers, and much more.
Stress Prevention at Work Checkpoints
Work-related stress is one of the most important issues in many countries and in different kinds of workplaces. Stress has many negative impacts, including circulatory and gastrointestinal diseases, other physical problems, psychosomatic and psychosocial problems, and low productivity. Increasing emphasis is being placed on improving working conditions and work organization with respect to stress at work, and on practical measures to cope with stressful work situations.
Ergonomics Requirements – Know the Laws of Your Province
While rarely fatal, repetitive strain injuries, repetitive motion injuries, cumulative trauma disorders and other musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs) are life-disrupting, painful and expensive. They’re also increasingly common and now represent the fastest growing source of workers comp time loss injuries. That’s why employers must implement ergonomic measures to head off the risk of MSIs in their own workplaces.