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Need a policy because of a recent regulatory change? We’ve got it for you. Need some quick training on a specific HR topic? We’ve got it for you. HR Insider provides the resources you need to craft, implement and monitor policies with confidence. Our team of experts (which includes lawyers, analysts and HR professionals) keep track of complex legislation, pending changes, new interpretations and evolving case law to provide you with the policies and procedures to keep you ahead of problems. FIND OUT MORE...
A registered nurse on paid medical leave for the third time due to work injuries wanted to attempt another return but her employer, Alberta Health Services, currently had no available positions she was capable of doing. The nurse claimed disability discrimination, but the internal government investigator disagreed. On appeal, the Alberta Human Rights Commission found that the investigator’s conclusion that AHS made reasonable efforts to accommodate the nurse and didn’t retaliate against her for filing a complaint was reasonable and upheld the decision [Pearn v Alberta Health Services, 2020 AHRC 82 (CanLII), November 18, 2020].