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  • Rory Lodge
    Post count: 182

    Good morning,
    I have a follow up question regarding IAQ.  Section 2.20 indicates that “Sections 2.21 to 2.24 apply to every work place that
    is equipped with an HVAC system and that is under the employer’s control.”  However, the investigation procedures are found in section 2.27 which does not fall within the limitations of 2.21 to 2.24.  Can you please provide a little more detail as to why the investigation requirements would not apply’  With COVID, as I am sure you can appreciate, this is a BIG issue.
    Many thanks! Andrée
    Previous Question asked on December 2: 
    Question:  If the Employer is not responsible for the ventilation system (i.e. rented space), are they required to have an IAQ policy and investigation procedure’  The Employer is federally regulated.
    Question Tags: ONTARIO
    Answer: No. Section 2.20 of the federal COHS Regs. specify that the IAQ requirements “apply to every work place that is equipped with an HVAC system and that is under the employer’s control” (emphasis added). Since your landlord controls the HVAC system, you’re not bound by the investigation and other IAQ rules listed in those parts of the Regs. 

    Jeffrey Turner
    Post count: 570

    Yes, Andree, well said. I completely misspoke. The qualifier indeed only covers the Sec. 2.21 to 2.24 requirements dealing with Operations, Equipment Standards and such, items that a tenant not owning the HVAC system can’t control. The remaining requirements, including maintenance instructions and INVESTIGATIONS apply to “all employers.” I apologize for my carelessness and thank you for your judgment in not trusting my answer at face value and looking at the matter yourself. We should switch roles. Thanks for the schooling and be assured that I will be far more diligent with future Qs. Our users deserve no less. Happy holidays to you and your family and stay well. Glenn

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