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  • Jeffrey Turner
    Post count: 570

    Hi thereĀ  we are still getting our employees to complete a declaration form for COVID before they enter the office. This form is to ensure that they dont go in to the office with any symptoms etc. I want to know if other companies are still using any covid measures and with the news of COVID resurfacing what would you suggest we change?

    Jeffrey Turner
    Post count: 570

    Unless your workplace is unusually sensitive or at greater risk of COVID, e.g., a seniors residence, healthcare facility or school, the safest course is to follow the public health guidelines issued by the Chief Health Officer of your province. Although COVID cases are increasing, no province has revived the quarantine, screening, social distancing and other measures that were in effect for workplaces during the height of the pandemic–at least that I know of. If the situation worsens, this might change. You need to continue to monitor the situation. As for what other employers are doing, can any of you OHS Insider members who are reading this weigh in’ Thanks and I hope this helps. GlennĀ 

    Jeffrey Turner
    Post count: 570

    Thank you

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