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Drop Prevention Inspection Checklist


One way workers can get injured on the job is by being struck by items falling on them, such as tools or materials falling from a scaffold or improperly secured containers falling off a forklift. And workers aren’t the only ones are risk from falling items’visitors to the workplace or even passersby can also get injured or killed if hit by a dropped item. For example, a man was killed in New Jersey when he was struck by a tape measure that slipped off the belt of a worker at the top of a tower under construction. And in Alberta, a couple, their son and daughter were walking down the street when wind blew a bundle of steel off the roof of a construction project, striking them. The three-year-old daughter died instantly; the husband and son were injured. That’s why it’s important to take steps to prevents items from being dropped.


Adapt this checklist for your workplace, operations and OHS program. Give it to workers and have them use it before and after performing tasks in which there’s a risk of tools, materials or other items being dropped.