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Outside Contractor Entry Notification Form

Here’s an example of an Outside Contractor Entry Notification form template that you can use to ensure manage the safety of workers of contractors that perform work at your site. The template based on a model used successfully by a large pulp and paper mill in northern Ontario and you’ll need to adapt it to fit your own situation and the laws of your jurisdiction. For example, remove the items relating to safety orientation if you don’t have orientation sessions for your contractors.

INSTRUCTIONS: The ABC Company supervisor responsible for a particular contractor or subcontractor must complete and sign this document for each contractor and subcontractor performing work at the ABC Company plant facility. A separate copy of the completed document must be inserted into the Current Contractor Binders kept in the ABC Company reception area and the safety office on the second floor and uploaded to the ABC Company website [list online information]. The ABC Company OHS Coordinator is responsible for regularly reviewing and, if necessary, updating the template of this form.