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$80,000 Fine Imposed for Failing to Safely Move Materials

An elevator company’s workers were unloading large tower sections from a flatbed truck and putting them in piles to be stored. A boom truck with a nylon sling attachment was used to lift the tower sections off the truck and stack them on their sides, one on top of the other. After four tower sections had been stacked, one of the workers walked across the top tower section and untied the nylon sling. Before he had the chance to get off the tower section, the boom truck operator began lifting the boom and the hook on the boom got caught on the tower section, causing it to shake. The worker slipped and fell about 10 feet to the ground; the tower section then rolled over and landed on top of him. His injuries required him to be airlifted to the hospital for treatment. The company pleaded guilty to failing to ensure that materials were lifted, carried or moved in such a way and with such precautions and safeguards as to ensure the safety of any worker. The court fined it $80,000 [United Hoist Equipment Ltd., Govt. News Release, Nov. 16, 2016].