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Lockout – 2023 Year in Review


Dec 9: Changes to OHS rules for controlling hazardous energy (under Part 15
of the OHS Code) clarify who’s responsible for different aspects of the lockout process. Effective date: March 31, 2023.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Lockout Tagout Compliance Centre resources to avoid lockout violations.


Feb 1: Reminder: Changes to OHS rules for controlling hazardous energy (under Part 15 of the OHS Code) clarify who’s responsible for different aspects of the lockout process will take effect on March 31, 2023.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Lockout Tagout Compliance Centre resources to avoid lockout violations.


Mar 31: Changes to OHS rules for controlling hazardous energy (under Part 15 of the OHS Code) clarify who’s responsible for different aspects of the lockout process will take effect.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Lockout Tagout Compliance Centre resources to avoid lockout violations.



Jan 23: The coroner panel investigating the death of a sawmill worker in a machine incident recommended requiring: i. weekly safety meetings and monthly inspections; ii. standard procedures for responding to an accident or mechanical failure; iii. regular review of safety equipment and emergency stops; and iv. continued WorkSafeBC focus on lockout tagout at sawmills.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Lockout Tagout Compliance Centre resources to avoid lockout violations.


Aug 29: WorkSafeNB posted a new Hazard Alert about the importance of de-energizing and locking out machines before performing repairs, maintenance or other servicing operations on them, citing recent fatalities and amputation incidents.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Lockout Tagout Compliance Centre resources to avoid lockout violations.