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Drugs & Alcohol – 2023 Year in Review


Jun 2: Canada recognized World No Tobacco Day by announcing plans to adopt new laws requiring health warnings to be printed direct on individual cigarettes. If the law goes through, Canada will become the first nation on the planet to take this approach. The government has committed to cutting national tobacco use to less than 5% by 2035.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Substance Abuse Compliance Game Plan to curb drugs and alcohol at your workplace.


Sep 7: From now through November 3 the federal government will be holding online consultations reviewing the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act as part of a wider proposed plan to cut nationwide consumption of tobacco and vaping products to less than 5% of the population by 2035.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Substance Abuse Compliance Game Plan to curb drugs and alcohol at your workplace.


Nov 3: That’s the deadline to participate in online consultations reviewing the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act as part of a wider proposed plan to cut nationwide consumption of tobacco and vaping products to less than 5% of the population by 2035.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Substance Abuse Compliance Game Plan to curb drugs and alcohol at your workplace.



Mar 1: The Alberta WCB published new guidance to help employers implement programs to make naloxone kits available in the workplace. Naloxone is a life saving drug administered to victims of opiate drug overdoses.

Action Point: Find out how to implement a naloxone program to respond to opioid overdoses at your site.



Oct 5: The BC Assembly tabled Bill 34 banning drug use in public and recreational spaces, including within i. a 6-metre radius from the entrances of business and residential buildings; ii. 6 meters of bus stops; iii. 15 meters of playgrounds, spray, and wading pools, and skate parks; and iv. completely at parks, beaches, and sports fields. The idea is to align the rules of drug use more closely to those governing alcohol and tobacco.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Substance Abuse Compliance Game Plan to curb drugs and alcohol at your workplace.



Jun 16: Newly passed Bill 58, the Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act, gives the government of New Brunswick authority to sue pharmaceutical manufacturers to recover taxpayer money used to treat opioid drug users and addicts while also allowing private class action lawsuits against opioid drug manufacturers.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Substance Abuse Compliance Game Plan to curb drugs and alcohol at your workplace.



Sep 27: Smoking and vaping, whether by employees, visitors, or contractors, is officially banned on all Newfoundland government property, including buildings, grounds, vehicles, and parking lots.

Action Point: Take 5 steps to prevent workplace smoking and avoid fines under smoke-free laws.



Sep 27: A newly released report tracks the progress the GNWT is making in implementing its Addictions Prevention and Recovery Services Work Plan designed to build a full spectrum of services to residents with drug and alcohol addictions.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Substance Abuse Compliance Game Plan to curb drugs and alcohol at your workplace.


Nov 22: Organizations that want to carry out programs or activities to help people recover from addictions can apply for GNWT funding via the Addictions Recovery Support Fund until March 31. There are 2 streams—training funding of up to $50,000 and basic funding of up to $180,000 for Alcoholics Anonymous, meetings and other “primary activities.”

Action Point: Create a legally sound drugs and alcohol testing policy for your workplace.



Mar 20: The GN began reviewing applications for funding of community-based programs designed to prevent alcohol and drug abuse during the 2023-2024 fiscal year. A second round of funding will be held later this year.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Substance Abuse Compliance Game Plan to curb drugs and alcohol at your workplace.


May 31: New regulations took effect in Nunavut banning smoking within 9 metres of a workplace entrance as well as in public housing, motor vehicles where a minor is present, hospitals, schools, bus stops, childcare facilities, sports and playing fields and spectator stands, parades, concerts, public events, sidewalks and pedestrian walkways, trails and paths.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Substance Abuse Compliance Game Plan to curb drugs and alcohol at your workplace.


Aug 24: The Department of Health’s Inuusivut Division is now accepting applications from non-profits and municipal governments seeking GN funding for Upigivatsi suicide and alcohol and drug prevention initiatives for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Review of applications will start on Sept. 8.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Substance Abuse Compliance Game Plan to curb drugs and alcohol at your workplace.



Apr 25: To prevent youth vaping, newly tabled Bill 103 would amend the Smoke-Free Ontario Act to ban the sale or supply of vaping products to individuals under age 21 and limit the sale of such products to specially designated stores.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Substance Abuse Compliance Game Plan to curb drugs and alcohol at your workplace.



Feb 8: Hundreds of PEI residents have benefitted since the province began covering the costs of medications for the treatment of alcohol and opioid use disorders without copays, deductibles, or out-of-pocket costs at the start of 2022. According to the government, 783 people accessed treatment through the program, resulting in savings of $523,000.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Substance Abuse Compliance Game Plan to curb drugs and alcohol at your workplace.



Feb 8: Québec announced that it’s raising the tax on tobacco products by $8.00 per carton of 200 cigarettes as a public health measure to encourage residents to quit smoking. More than 13,000 people in the province die of smoking-related illnesses each year, according to the government.


Apr 19: Québec implemented new measures to restrict vaping, especially by young people, including a ban on the sale of vaping products with a non-tobacco flavors and aromas and a new 20 mg/ml limit on nicotine concentration in all vaping products.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Substance Abuse Compliance Game Plan to curb drugs and alcohol at your workplace.


Aug 2: New Tobacco Control Act regulations tightening restrictions on vaping products take effect in Québec on October 31. Highlights:

  • Ban on sale of non-tobacco flavored or aroma vaping products.
  • Maximum nicotine concentration limit of 20 mg/ml
  • New obligation to display certain information on vaping products and packaging.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Substance Abuse Compliance Game Plan to curb drugs and alcohol at your workplace.


Oct 5: Newly tabled Bill 35 would give the provincial government the right to sue manufacturers and distributors of opioid drugs liable for the costs of health care and related damages incurred as a result of those products. While patterned on similar legislation in other jurisdictions, the bill is tailored to Québec’s civil liability system.

Action Point: Find out how to implement a naloxone program to respond to opioid overdoses at your site.



Apr 28: The Yukon Chronic Disease and Disability Benefits Program will now cover the cost of prescription drugs incurred by residents who are diagnosed with alcohol use disorder (AUD), including the medications Naltrexone and Acamprosate to cut the craving for alcohol.

Action Point: Use the OHSI Substance Abuse Compliance Game Plan to curb drugs and alcohol at your workplace.


Aug 23: Yukon launched its Substance Use Health Emergency Strategy to combat substance abuse and organized crime in the territory. At least 14 of the Strategy’s 43 action items are already underway, including broadened access to Opioid Treatment Services and expanded government authority to investigate and implement civil remedies to disrupt distribution of toxic illicit drugs in Yukon communities.

Action Point: Create a legally sound drugs and alcohol testing policy for your workplace

Action Point: Implement a workplace violence and harassment compliance game plan at your site.