Workplace Posting Requirements OHS and Workers Comp Checklist – Newfoundland and Labrador

The duty to post notices, information and other materials at your workplace for your employees comes from 4 different sets of laws, including OHS and workers’ compensation.

Use this checklist to ensure your organization has the required postings.


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Code of practice required by OHS Act or Regs.
OHS policy (if workplace has <10 workers)
Names of JHSC members or safety rep or designate
Minutes of all JHSC meetings
Stop work orders for workplace
Info about escape + evacuation routes
Confined space entry permit
Mine rescue procedure
Written notice of policies + procedures for reporting injuries
Name of person in charge of first aid room or kit
Name + qualifications of each person trained to give first aid
Emergency procedure
List of phone numbers + contact instructions for police, ambulance, fire station, hospital or physician
Written group lockout procedures
Procedures for fighting a fire underground + evacuation plan