WHMIS Training Review Program Checklist

The WHMIS laws don’t require annual training, they require annual review of WHMIS training programs. (They also require more frequent review in response to significant changes in work conditions and available hazard information.) Use this Checklist during your annual WHMIS training program review to determine whether workers’ WHMIS training was effective and identify necessary follow-up actions to correct deficiencies.


Model WHMIS Training Program Review Checklist

Do workers know what hazardous products are present’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Are they aware of the WHMIS requirements and requirements of their jurisdiction’s OHS laws’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Can they demonstrate that they know the procedures to safely use, handle, store and dispose of the hazardous products they work with’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Are they aware of the potential physical and health hazards of the hazardous products they’re exposed to’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Can they demonstrate that they know the emergency and first aid procedures required for the hazardous product’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Can they demonstrate that they know the fugitive emissions procedures required for the hazardous product’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Can they demonstrate understanding of the use and purpose of control systems, including ventilation and PPE’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Can they demonstrate that they have adequate education in the WHMIS labeling systems’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Can they show they know how to interpret a WHMIS supplier or workplace label and what it means in terms of doing their jobs safely’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Do they know where and how they can get a copy of an SDS’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Can they show they know how to interpret the information on an SDS and how to use it to carry out their jobs safely’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Can they show they know how to interpret the information on placards or other alternative methods of displaying hazard information and how to use it to carry out their jobs safely” [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Are they aware of their responsibility to use the information they’ve learned to work safely with hazardous products’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Do they accept personal responsibility for using hazardous products safely’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Have they completed job-specific WHMIS training’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Are they able to understand the information delivered to them during training, i.e., are they conversant in the language used during training’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Is their literacy level sufficient enable them to read and understand written training material, SDSs and WHMIS labels’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Are provisions made for training new, part-time and casual workers on WHMIS’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Is there evidence that the objectives of an effective training program have been met, i.e., are the workers ‘informed workers” [ ] YES

[ ] NO

Is there a system for initiating safe work procedures from SDS information and for training in safe work procedures’ [ ] YES

[ ] NO