Does Train the Trainer Seminar Meet Compliance Requirements?

In Alberta is a company in compliance under AB OH&S in regards to Fall Arrest training if they have a designated person take a Train the Trainer seminar for the training purposes of the workers in the field’ Or is it considered Specialty Training that has to fall under a certified or recognized organization’
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Sec. 141 of the Alberta OHS Code 2009 requires workers to be trained in the safe use of fall protection equipment and the procedures they must follow to ensure their personal safety while using this equipment, including the procedures to assemble, maintain, inspect, use and disassemble the fall protection system or systems in use. Workers expected to rescue a worker who has fallen and is suspended by a fall arrest system must be trained in rescue procedures.
Nothing in the Code or the OHS Regulation specifies who must provide such training. And the list of approved training courses on AB’s Human Services website doesn’t, in fact, include a fall protection course. So provided that attending the Train the Trainer seminar makes the designated person competent to train workers on fall protection as required, such an approach would likely be considered compliant.