OHS Duties as to Temporary Workers
Recorded: Wednesday Nov. 16, 2016
Slides: Click Here
Title: Recorded Webinar: OHS Duties as to Temporary Workers
Speaker: Paul Lalonde, Partner, Emond Harnden LLP
In the modern economy, the use of temporary workers has become widespread, leading to a number of legal and practical issues in the OHS sphere.
In this one-hour webinar, Paul Lalonde, a labour lawyer and partner at Emond Harnden LLP, will cover such questions as:
- How prevalent is the use of temporary workers in Canada today’
- Who’s the employer of temporary workers under the OHS laws: the temp agency or the end user of the temp employees’ labour’
- Is this arrangement different in a construction environment’
- Is the situation any different in terms of who’s responsible under workers’ comp laws’
- When the services of temp employees are used, what must be done in terms of ensuring that these workers are adequately trained, oriented and supervised’
- When there’s a safety incident, what are the respective roles of the temp agency and end user of temp employee services in terms of incident reporting and dealing with the aftermath of the incident’
As always, at the end of the presentation, there was a Q&A session.
About Our Speaker:
Paul Lalonde serves a large client base in the public, broader public and private sectors, including employers who operate in the construction industry. He provides counsel in a wide range of labour and employment matters, and has gained considerable experience in the areas of employee and labour relations as well as occupational health and safety, and workplace safety and insurance. Paul also provides advice and representation in wrongful dismissal, employment standards, and human rights matters, and assists employers with the development and implementation of strategies to minimize the costs associated with terminations and workplace incidents, and in compliance with the numerous and seemingly ever increasing statutory and other legal obligations that are imposed on employers.