Progressive Discipline Policy

This Model Policy is a vanilla template that you may need to adapt based on your organization’s actual procedures and protocols as well as the provisions of applicable collective agreements covering affected workers.

  1. General Policy

Employees who violate ABC Company rules and procedures shall be subject to discipline in accordance with the following progressive discipline policy.

  1. Effect of Collective Agreements

This policy is subject to the provisions of applicable collective agreements covering affected employees. In the event of any conflict between this policy and collective agreements, the latter shall prevail.

  1. Progressive Discipline Process
  2. Verbal Warnings

Employees who commit a first offence will receive a verbal warning. Upon receiving a verbal warning, the employee will be given an explanation of the infraction and any corrective action required, an opportunity to explain and notification that further offences will result in more serious penalties. A note stating that the verbal warning was given listing the time, date and reason will be kept in the employee’s personnel file.

  1. Written Warnings

Second offences may result in a written warning, which will be recorded on the ABC Company disciplinary log. Copies of the warning will be sent to the employee, the ABC Company head office and the union. Another copy shall be kept in the employee’s personnel file.

  1. Suspensions

Third offences may result in suspension for a period considered appropriate under the circumstances. Copies of the suspension notice will be sent to the employee, ABC Company head office and the union. Another copy shall be kept in the employee’s personnel file.

  1. Termination

Fourth offences may result in immediate termination. The supervisor responsible for the employee will be informed immediately and he or she will remove the employee from the site with assistance from security, if required. Copies of the termination notice will be sent to the employee, ABC Company head office and the union. Another copy shall be kept in the employee’s personnel file. In addition, the employee shall be given an opportunity to contest the dismissal at a hearing as required by the collective agreement.

  1. Immediate Discipline for Serious Offences

In the event employees engage in severe offences including but not limited to those of a dangerous nature, ABC Company may impose serious penalties up to and including immediate termination without following the sequence provided under this progressive disciplinary policy. For example, employees who engage in workplace violence or who use alcohol or drugs during their designated shifts may be subject to immediate termination without warning or suspension, even if it’s their first offence.