Are You Prepared for Hurricane Season, Which Starts June 1?

June 1 is the official start of the 2017 hurricane season, which runs through Nov. 30, 2017. Early predictions issued by hurricane researchers at Colorado State University (CSU) indicate that it’ll be a slightly below-average Atlantic hurricane season in 2017, thanks in part to a developing El Ni¤o event in the equatorial Pacific as well as recent anomalous cooling in the tropical Atlantic.

The CSU forecast calls for an expected 11 named storms during the Atlantic hurricane season. Of those, researchers expect four to become hurricanes and two to reach major hurricane strength.

The Canadian Hurricane Centre provides up-to-date information on any storms that may impact Canada.

Safety professionals for companies located in areas that can be impacted by hurricanes should prepare for such storms, which can cause flooding, take down power lines, damage buildings, etc.

Here are some articles, tools and other resources from the OHS Insider that you can use to ensure that your workplace and workers are prepared for hurricane season:


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