OHS & Workers’ Comp Workplace Posting Requirements Checklist ? Manitoba

The duty to post notices, information and other materials at your workplace for your employees comes in 2 basic kinds.

Use this checklist to ensure your organization has the required postings.


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Reports on compliance with improvement or stop work orders (Workplace Safety & Health Act, Sec. 35(1)(d))
Names of JHSC members (WSH Act, Sec. 40(9))
Date each JHSC member’s term expires (WSH Regs., Sec. 3.11(2)(a)(i))
Scheduled dates of JHSC meetings (WSH Regs., Sec. 3.11(2)(a)(ii))
Agenda for each JHSC meeting (WSH Regs., Sec. 3.11(2)(a)(iii))
Minutes of each JHSC meeting (signed by co-chairs + remains posted until all issues in meeting resolved) (WSH Regs., Sec. 3.11(2)(a)(iv))
Name of safety rep for workplace (WSH Act, Sec. 41(3))
Scheduled dates of safety rep meetings (WSH Regs., Sec. 3.11(2)(b))
Agenda of each safety rep meeting (WSH Regs., Sec. 3.11(2)(b))
Improvement orders issued or recommended by govt. OHS officer for workplace (WSH Regs., Sec. 3.11(2)(c))
Orders issued by Director for site (WSH Regs., Sec. 3.11(2)(d))
List of names + work locations of each first aider (WSH Regs., Sec. 5.5(4)(b)(ii))
Copy of working alone safe work procedure (WSH Regs., Sec. 9.9(3))
Copy of harassment prevention policy (WSH Regs., Sec. 10.3)
Copy of violence prevention policy (WSH Regs., Sec. 11.5(1)(a))
Written report on noise exposure assessment (WSH Regs., Sec. 12.2)
WHMIS placard instead of a WHMIS label OK if it’s posted near a hazardous product that: (a) is not in a container; (b) is in a form intended for export; (c) is in a container intended to contain it for sale or distribution and will be appropriately labelled in the normal course of the employer’s business and without undue delay; provided that placard: (A) contains the info required for a workplace label; and (B) is of such size that the information on it is clearly legible to workers (WSH Regs., Sec. 35.10)
Warning signs at or near areas that are unsafe to use due to slipping + tripping hazards from floors, platforms, walkways, ramps or stairs (Workplace Safety & Health Regs., Sec. 4.5(2)(b))
Toilet facilities must have sign listing sex of persons who can use them (WSH Regs., Sec. 4.8(3))
Warning signs indicating that a flagperson is present that:

(a) have reflective surfaces; +
(b) are fluorescent yellow-green in colour (WSH Regs., Sec. 20.6.1)

Warning signs in a roped-off work area below a suspended work platform advising persons of the overhead hazard (WSH Regs., Sec. 28.31)
Placard identifiers providing hazard information about a hazardous product may be used in lieu of a WHMIS workplace label (WSH Regs., Sec. 35.10(1))
Employer + owner must ensure a warning sign is posted where high voltage switch gear or transformers are located in a workplace (WSH Regs., Sec. 38.12)
No smoking signs at each entrance and inside workplace that:

  • Say ‘no smoking’ and/or list the no-smoking symbol of circle + interdictory stroke in red on white background with outside circle diameter at least 100 mm
  • Have text at least 28 mm high
  • Have at least 2 contrasting colours making text clearly legible in any lighting

(Smoking & Vapour Products Control Reg., Sec. 7)

JHSC: Joint Health + Safety Committee
Safety Rep: Workplace Health + Safety Representative
DSR: Designated Smoking Room