OHS Audit: The 5 Sets of Tools You Need to Comply with First Aid Requirements

What’s At Stake

The time to unearth potential problems in your current workplace first aid arrangements is right now‘before a medical emergency does it for you. Although first aid requirements vary by jurisdiction [See Know The Laws of Your Province to track down the specific rules in your jurisdiction, there are 5 sets of documents you should focus on in conducting your first aid program audit.


  1. First Aid Policy [ ] YES [ ] NO

The centerpiece of your compliance efforts should be a policy setting out the measures your organization takes to ensure that workers who suffer workplace injuries or illnesses get the necessary first aid treatment in accordance with OHS and other applicable laws. Like the OHSI Model First Aid Policy, your policy should, at a minimum provide for:

[ ] Doing a first aid needs assessment of your site based on 3 criteria:

[ ] The degree of hazards associated with the work performed at the site;

[ ] How many people work at the site; and

[ ] How long it takes to get help from the nearest medical facility based on distance and road or travel conditions;

[ ] Using the results of the needs assessment to determine which first aid resources are necessary to provide at your site, including with regard to:

[ ] First aid attendants;

[ ] First aid kits;

[ ] Dressing rooms;

[ ] First aid rooms;

[ ] Other emergency equipment;

[ ] Ambulance or other arrangements for transporting workers for emergency medical treatment;

[ ] Procedures for delivering first aid;

[ ] Procedures for summoning emergency medical treatment;

[ ] Inspection of first aid equipment and facilities;

[ ] Posting of essential first aid information in the workplace;

[ ] First aid training and instruction;

[ ] Coordinating with contractors working at the site.

  1. Posted First Aid Notice for Workers [ ] YES [ ] NO

You need to create and conspicuously post notices letting workers know how and where to get first aid on site. Such notices can be separate or combined just as long as they list

[ ] The procedure for summoning emergency medical treatment;

[ ] The location of first aid kits, dressing rooms and/or first aid stations;

[ ] The names and work locations of first aid attendants or personnel qualified to provide first aid;

[ ] Contact information for the nearest police and fire station, EMT or ambulance, medical facility and other emergency contacts.

  1. First Aid Inspection Checklists [ ] YES [ ] NO

Make sure you create a checklist you can use to inspect your first aid facilities and equipment to ensure all the required components are in place and in good condition. There should be a separate checklist for:

[ ] Each level of first aid kit provided at the site; (Personal, Basic, Level 1, Level 2, and Level3)

[ ] Dressing rooms;

[ ] First aid rooms;

[ ] Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and other emergency equipment;

[ ] In-house ambulances and other emergency transport vehicles.

  1. First Aid Log Forms [ ] YES [ ] NO

You should have a template for recording key information about each episode of first aid provided. Like the Model First Aid Log in OHSI, your form should include, at a minimum:

[ ] The time, date, location and brief description of the injury;

[ ] How it occurred;

[ ] The name and position of the injured worker;

[ ] Names and contact information of witnesses;

[ ] The treating provider(s);

[ ] The treatment provided;

[ ] Whether the worker was transported to a medical facility;

[ ] Acknowledgement that the worker was advised to seek medical treatment if the condition worsened.

  1. First Aid Refusal Form [ ] YES [ ] NO

While you can’t force workers to accept first aid treatment or emergency transport, you can make them sign a form to acknowledge that they were offered such treatment and/or transport but voluntarily turned it down. Note: The Refusal Form can be combined with the First Aid Log Form described above.




Documentation of Refusal’article, no form https://ohsinsider.com/laws-cases-regulations/cases/dos-donts-%E2%88%9A-document-workers-refusal-first-aid-medical-treatment