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Making The Business Case For Safety

Use These Case Studies To Get Management’s Support


Inadequate Worker Training Can Be Costly

A BC waste company was hired to drain waste oil from a transformer. Neither of the companies responsible for the transformer warned it that the oil contained high levels of PCBs. So the PCB-tainted oil contaminated other oil in the waste company’s tanker truck and storage tank, all of which had to be sent to a hazardous waste facility for disposal. The waste company sued the other companies for damages of more than $775,000; they claimed that the waste company was partially responsible for what happened. The trial court, in considering the issue of contributory negligence, criticized the company for failing to adequately train workers. It concluded that the waste company was 37.5% responsible, thus reducing its damages by more than $29,000.

Find out the problem, an explanation and solution by clicking here.

Well-Being Checklist

Give this checklist to workers or make it readily available to them. Encourage them to complete the checklist as a way of assessing their own well-being and mental health. And if workers agree with many of the statements or have concerns about their answers, encourage them to seek help from a doctor or therapist, or through the company’s employee assistance program (if you have one).

Click here to download the PDF.

Report Preview 

Trying to get the support of senior management by making abstract arguments about the various benefits of voluntary safety initiatives isn’t likely to get you very far. But using case studies that show how companies took the steps that you propose and reaped benefits from doing so can be more persuasive.

In this report, you will gain valuable information to help you show senior management the true value of setting long-term health and safety goals and the impact it has on your workplace’s overall safety performance and culture. Some key takeaways from this report include:

  • Top 10 Reasons Companies Invest in Their OHS Programs

  • Demonstrating Your OHS Program’s Return on Investment (ROI)

  • Health & Safety of Workers Tied to Good Stock Market Performance

  • Using Total Cost Assessment to Prove Value of Safety Initiatives

  • Making the Case: Don’t Sacrifice Safety for Operations


As an added bonus, we are also giving you 5 Free eLearning Credits to with the purchase of a membership! Credits are valid until the end of 2022.



“I’ve noticed an increase in incident follow-up since collaborating with OHS Insider. We now have protocols in place to examine and investigate them, which is a critical component of my job.”

John L, Health and Safety Officer

“COVID-19 has been quite a challenge for everyone, but I am really proud to have been a part of such a collective effort. OHS Insider has put together a service that can be beneficial for every industry. Safety sharing benefits everyone, and is something we should always strive to do.”

Olivia R, OHS Director

“With OHS Insider, I am on-top of legislation and cases that impact our policies and procedures, but I also save hundreds of hours by using all the templates to guarantee my compliance.”

Steve R, OHS Coordinator

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