Heat Stress Hazard Assessment Checklist

Are your workers exposed to heat stress hazards’

The first step in controlling heat stress hazards is to have a competent person do a hazard assessment to determine whether workers are exposed to thermal conditions that could cause core body temperature to rise above 36øC/96.8øF based on how the air actually feels on the body, including:

  • Temperature: If temperatures rises above 29.44øC/85øF, you have a potential problem;
  • Humidity: Humidity can come from not only humid outdoor air but also steam generated by indoor equipment. If relative humidity exceeds 85%, you have a problem;
  • Heat radiation: Sources of heat radiation that increase risk of heat stress include direct sunlight, fire welding and hot surfaces;
  • Air movement: Stagnant air tends to be hotter; but circulating air that’s already hot, such as air near steam pipes, can also heighten heat stress risks;
  • Workload: The more strenuous the work, the greater the danger of heat stress;
  • Workers’ Physical Condition: Consider the age, weight, fitness and acclimatization, i.e., whether workers are used to working in hot conditions; and
  • Clothing: Thick clothing and heavy equipment like respirators and face hoods aggravate heat stress risks; lighter clothing of natural fibers alleviate them.

Here’s a Model you can adapt for your own use.