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  • Brooke Davis
    Post count: 7

    In Saskatchewan does industrial racking require load capacity weight on the shelving? if so applicable legislation to site this requirement.

    Haley O’Halloran
    Post count: 9

    Pallets & Storage Racks
    (130) An employer, contractor, owner or supplier shall ensure that:

    (a) pallets are maintained in a manner that will permit safe lifting of the pallets and the pallets’ loads by a forklift truck or other device; and
    (b) racks for the storage of materials or equipment are:

    (i) designed, constructed and maintained to support any load placed on the racks; and
    (ii) erected on a firm foundation.

    8ft = 4,000 lbs.

    9ft = 3,000 lbs.

    10ft = 2,700 lbs.

    12ft= 2,500lbs.

    14ft= 2,300lbs.

    You can find this information here.

    Hope this helps!


    Brooke Davis
    Post count: 7
    Brooke Davis
    Post count: 7

    Is there anything that specifically states weight capacity must be displayed on the racking? or is that more underlining when reading the legislation (i) designed, constructed and maintained to support any load placed on the racks; that in order to ensure this you must have available the weight capacities not necessarily displayed but accessible?

    Haley O’Halloran
    Post count: 9

    No, there is nothing regarding specific Saskatchewan legislation that addresses maintaining or designing supports for loads places on racks or what you must have in place to ensure weight capacities are accessible. It is best to go by manufacturer suggestions and call the manufacturer for more information to ensure best safety practices!

    Brooke Davis
    Post count: 7

    Thank you very much for the information.

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