Fit For Duty Policy


[Insert name of company] (The Company) has an obligation to provide a healthy and safe working environment for workers, contractors and others and is committed to the prevention of occupational injury and illness.

All persons are to be fit for duty and:

  • Present in the workplace in a responsible and safe manner;
  • Maintain a high standard of professionalism and personal conduct; and
  • Perform their duties without imposing unacceptable risks to the health and safety of themselves or others.

If any person at the Company’s workplace is assessed as not fit for duty:

  • They must report to [insert name of appropriate person, such as HR director or safety coordinator] and co-operate in assessing and managing the risks involved; and
  • [Insert name of appropriate person] must take action to minimise the risk to the health and safety of that person and other personnel.


That everyone working or present at a Company workplace is fit and capable of undertaking the tasks required of them with minimal risk. This Policy and the supporting procedures cover the preventative and remedial actions that are to be followed to ensure fitness for duty.


This Policy and supporting procedures apply to everyone working at or attending a Company workplace. All persons must comply with this Policy and procedures as a condition of their site access. The Company may restrict a worker’s duties if it believes that the worker’s fitness imposes an unacceptable risk due to:

  • Work-related injury or illness;
  • Non work-related injury or illness
  • Stress and/or fatigue;
  • Physical or mental deterioration; and
  • Influence of alcohol or prescribed/non-prescribed/illegal drugs.


In implementing this Policy, the Company will:

  • Provide a safe workplace;
  • Ensure privacy and confidentiality in relation to personal issues;
  • Encourage staff to make a genuine and valued contribution within their working capacity; and
  • Work to ensure that no one feels harassed, embarrassed or humiliated as the result of an inability to meet the fitness for duty standards required by the Company.


The procedures that support this Policy:

  • Define the role of management, employees and other persons in managing fitness for duty;
  • Encourage appropriate, effective and consistent actions that treat people with dignity and respect;
  • Identify opportunities for easy intervention;
  • Ensure access to objective professional advice;
  • Limit the exposure of all workers to risk of injury and illness in the workplace; and
  • Be developed or modified in consultation with the workforce and relevant parties.


Employees at all levels within the Company are responsible for implementing this Policy. Employees, contractors and other personnel are responsible for ensuring they are fit for the duties they undertake and that they work in a manner that protects both themselves and other personnel from potential harm.