Facility Penalized $750,000 for Deaths of More than 7,500 Birds by Flare Stack

An Environment Canada investigation found that in Sept. 2013, there were more than 7,500 bird deaths from direct or indirect contact with burning natural gas from a flare stack. Approximately 26 different species of migratory birds were killed, four of which were Canada Warblers, a threatened species under the Species at Risk Act. The facility pleaded guilty to violating the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Species at Risk Act and was ordered to pay a total penalty of $750,000. Some of the money will be used for a study in bird migration by Bird Studies Canada and a scholarship at the University of New Brunswick in environment and natural resources. The New Brunswick Museum will also receive $150,000 to create a DNA database from the birds that were killed. The facility was also ordered to engage in weekly monitoring of the bird migration forecast for the Bay of Fundy region [Canaport LNG LP, Nov. 5, 2015].