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Duty to Accommodate

Special Report


Religious Accommodations Policy

Under OHS laws, employers must ensure that workers use necessary PPE. Under human rights laws, employers must accommodate workers’ religious beliefs to the point of undue hardship. These obligations may come into conflict when a worker objects to using PPE on religious grounds, for example, when a worker of the Sikh religion is required to wear a hardhat. What’s needed is a policy, procedure and set of principles for making reasonable accommodations. Here’s a template you can adapt.

Download the policy here.

What Leeway Do You Have Under OHS Laws to Implement Alternative Safety Measures’

There may come a time when the required procedures, materials, equipment and other safeguards simply don’t work nearly as well for your particular company or situation as alternatives not listed in the OHS regulations. It’s frustrating to think that you can’t take advantage of these alternatives. Or can you’ In fact, the OHS regulations do leave some leeway for alternatives. But there are 2 big conditions.

Click here to find out more.

Report Preview 

In this report we have outlined 10 situations related to an employers’ duty to accommodate along with a question for each scenario to test your knowledge. You will also find a reasoning behind each answer and an explanation as to why it is correct and not the other answers.

1) Must Employer Accommodate Part-Time Caretaker Who Can’t Perform that Job Anymore’

2) Did PPE Policy Discriminate Against Electrician with Foot Disability’

3) Was Firing Worker with Scent Sensitivity Justified or Discriminatory’

4) Is It Discriminatory to Reduce Pay for Accommodated Worker’

5) Can Employer Fire Addicted Worker for Violating Last Chance Agreement’

6) Was Depressed Worker’s Termination Discriminatory’

7) Is Discussing Worker’s Medical Absence in Front of Co-Workers Harassment’

8) Can Employer Fire Addict for Excessive Absenteeism & On-Duty Impairment’

9) Can Employer Require Injured, Obese Worker to Lose Weight’

10) Can Employer Fire Worker for Drunk Driving Accident in Company Car’

That’s not all! You’ll also get access to these great materials!

Accommodation Doesn’t Mean Letting Worker Pick His Own Job
Don’t Let It Come Down To A Choice Between PPE And Religion



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John L, Health and Safety Officer

“COVID-19 has been quite a challenge for everyone, but I am really proud to have been a part of such a collective effort. OHS Insider has put together a service that can be beneficial for every industry. Safety sharing benefits everyone, and is something we should always strive to do.”

Olivia R, OHS Director

“With OHS Insider, I am on-top of legislation and cases that impact our policies and procedures, but I also save hundreds of hours by using all the templates to guarantee my compliance.”

Steve R, OHS Coordinator

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