Drive Safely Work Week is Oct. 5-9, 2015

Oct. 5-9, 2015 is Drive Safely Work Week, the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety’s (NETS) 19th annual workplace safety campaign to remind employees about safe driving practices both on and off the job.

It’s also a good time to ensure that your workers are prepared for any hazards they may face when they’re on the road.

The 2015 campaign focuses on why it’s important to plan ahead. The NETS website has materials you can download and use to promote this message throughout the week, including a launch letter, posters to display, and Tweets and email blasts to send out during the week.

The OHS Insider also has resources to help you protect your workers when they’re on the road, such as:

And at the OHS Insider’s Cell Phone and Other Electronic Devices Compliance Centre you’ll find: