Do You Deserve a Living Planet @ Work Award for Your Sustainability Efforts?

The Living Planet @ Work Awards celebrate the companies and champions that go the extra mile to engage employees around sustainability and support conservation efforts at work. The idea is to recognize the efforts of those who are leading the charge in their companies to raise awareness and spark behaviour change around a cause they truly care about: helping people and nature thrive.

Sponsored by WWF Living Planet @ Work, there are two categories of awards:

Excellence in Environmental Employee Engagement Award: This award recognizes the company that has demonstrated leadership and innovation to:

  • Reduce the site’s environmental impact
  • Raise environmental awareness
  • Foster employee excitement through employee-led (such as by a sustainability champion/green team) implementation of sustainability initiatives, WWF campaigns, and/or workplace fundraising initiatives for WWF.

Sustainability Trailblazer Award: This award is presented to a sustainability champion who has demonstrated exceptional initiative, perseverance and creativity to inspire their colleagues to take action for nature. The award is judged based on criteria focused around leadership, collaboration, creativity and employee engagement successes.

Why should you consider applying for one of these awards on behalf of either your company or an employee’ Living Planet @ Work Award winners:

  • Set an example of environmental responsibility within their business and sector
  • Demonstrate leadership to their senior management team and colleagues
  • Inform best practices in workplace sustainability and employee engagement
  • Empower colleagues and inspire others to replicate their success.

In addition, the WWF will recognize the award winners through its national communication channels, including an awards ceremony at WWF-Canada’s Annual Public Meeting, in the WWF blog and on social media.