Ask The Expert: What First Aid Training Must Confined Space Rescue Attendants Have?


What level of first aid training must a confined space rescue attendant have’



It depends on the jurisdiction.



While all jurisdictions require that an attendant or other person with proper training in the rescue procedure and first aid be available to perform rescue operations in confined spaces, only a few specify what first aid training, if any, that person must have:

  • Fed: At least one rescue team member must be holder of a basic first aid certificate (OHS Regs. Sec. 11.5(2)(b));
  • New Bruns: Competent employee required to perform rescue must hold a valid standard-level first aid certificate issued by Canadian Red Cross Society or St. John Ambulance, and be trained in artificial respiration and CPR (OHS Gen. Reg., Sec. 266(1)(c));
  • PEI: Person with CPR training must be available (OHS Gen. Regs., Sec. 13.3(i));
  • Sask: Holder of a class A qualification in first aid must be available for entry into confined spaces with a hazardous atmosphere (OHS Regs., Sec. 274(7)(b)); and
  • NW Terrs/Nun: Holder of a standard first aid certificate (Gen. Safety Regs., Sec. 36(6)(h)).

If you’re not in one of the above jurisdictions, follow the Ontario MOL guidelines approach of going through each hazard identified in your confined space hazard assessment and determining for each one:

  • The first aid that would be necessary if the hazard occurred; and
  • The level of training an attendant would need to provide that first aid.