OHS Requirements for Construction Work Done in Compressed Air

Tunneling, caisson and other work operations performed in a compressed air environment pose significant health hazards that require special measures to control, including decompression, communication, fire prevention, work durations and medical surveillance. Here’s a quick overview of the compressed air work requirements in each jurisdiction for work other than diving, which is addressed in separate OHS regulations.

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OHS Requirements for Construction Work in Compressed Air
Jurisdiction OHS Rules (if any)
Federal Not specifically addressed
Alberta Not specifically addressed
British Columbia Employer duties for work at air pressure >7 kPa (1 psi) above atmospheric pressure:
*Ensure workers are examined by a physician knowledgeable in hyperbaric medicine
*Ensure work processes + equipment meet CSA CAN/CSA-Z275.3-M86, Occupational Safety Code for Construction Work in Compressed Air
(OHS Reg., Secs. 20.122 + 20.123)
Manitoba Employer duties:
* Implement safe work procedures
*Train workers in + ensure they comply with safe work procedures
* Notify govt. at least 30 days before starting compressed air work
*Have prof engineer develop + approve compressed air work program that meets CSA Z275.3-09 (R2014), Occupational safety code for work in compressed air environments
(WSH Reg., Sec. 27)
New Brunswick Employer must ensure work meets CSA CAN/CSA-Z275.3 M-86, Occupational Safety Code for Construction Work in Compressed Air (OHS Regs, Sec. 90)
Newfoundland Not specifically addressed
Nova Scotia Employer must ensure work meets most recent version of CSA-Z275.3, Occupational Safety Code for Work in Compressed Air Environments (Occ Safety Gen Regs, Sec. 156)
Ontario Employer duties:
*Notify MOL 14 days before compressed air work begins
*Appoint a superintendent for the project
*Ensure workers wear appropriate badges
*Deploy a phone + electronic buzzer or bell communications system
*Implement specific fire prevention measures
*Hire at least one project physician to perform medical exams on workers
*Pay for workers’ medical exams + credit time as payable service
*Ensure there are medical locks with required dimensions, equipment, etc.
*Ensure air compressors + air locks meet regulatory requirements
*Implement work limits + rest periods for workers
*Ensure lock tenders are in place
*Ensure required compression + decompression procedures are followed
*Ensure required records are kept
(O. Reg 213/91, Const. Projects, Secs. 332 to 397)
Prince Edward Island Employer must ensure work meets CSA-Z275.3, Occupational Safety Code for Work in Compressed Air (OHS Regs, Sec. 47.1)
Qu‚bec Not specifically addressed
Saskatchewan Employer duties:
*Notify govt. + provide prof. engineer certificates at least 30 days before compressed air work begins
*Ensure work complies with conditions set out in engineer’s certification
*Ensure emergency + decompression procedures are implemented
*Ensure workers are monitored by competent physician
*Ensure competent supervisor appointed with authority + resources necessary to protect the health + safety of workers in working chamber
*Ensure supplied air meets CSA CAN3-Z180.1-M85 Compressed Breathing Air and Systems
*Ensure air compressors meet required standards + locate air intake for compressor plant away from exhaust gases, gasoline fumes or other contaminants
*Implement work limits + rest periods for workers
*Ensure required compression + decompression procedures are followed
*Ensure air pressure in a working chamber doesn’t exceed 350 kilopascals for more than 5 minutes except if necessary for safety of workers in an emergency
(OHS Reg, Part XIX)
Northwest Territories & Nunavut Employer duties:
*Notify govt. + provide certifs. from a prof. engineer + physician competent in hyperbaric or hypobaric medicine at least 30 days before work begins
*Ensure work complies with conditions set out in engineer’s certification
*Ensure emergency + decompression procedures are implemented
*Ensure workers are monitored by competent physician
*Ensure competent supervisor appointed with authority + resources necessary to protect the health + safety of workers in working chamber
*Ensure supplied air meets CSA CAN/CSA-Z180.1-00 (R2010), Compressed Breathing Air and Systems
*Ensure air compressors meet required standards + locate air intake for compressor plant away from exhaust gases, gasoline fumes or other contaminants
*Implement work limits + rest periods for workers
*Ensure required compression + decompression procedures are followed
*Ensure air pressure in a working chamber: (a) doesn’t exceed 350 kPa for more than 5 minutes; + (b) doesn’t fall below 30 kPa, except in either case, if necessary for safety of workers in an emergency
(OHS Regs, Part 19)
Yukon Not specifically addressed