Age Management Assessment Checklist


Older workers are more at risk for certain injuries and more vulnerable to certain hazards. For example, they may no longer be able to lift as much weight or stand for as long. And their hearing may not be as sharp, so they may not be aware of oncoming motorized equipment, such as forklifts. To adequately protect older workers, employers should include age as a factor in its assessment of workplace hazards and be prepared to offer such workers accommodations, when needed.


Use this checklist to assess whether your company adequately addresses or includes the age of its staff members in its management, including its OHS program. How to gauge the results:

  • < 25% of the answers were ‘yes’: You’re not addressing the age factor
  • 26-50% of the answers were ‘yes’: You’ve started to address the age factor
  • 51-70% of the answers were ‘yes’: Age is an important factor in your management
  • > 71% of the answers were ‘yes’: The age factor is integrated into your management