Don’t Waste the Opportunity Presented by NAOSH Week

Workplace safety is an important topic that should be promoted all the time. But North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week, which is May 3-9, 2015, presents a great opportunity to really emphasize health and safety and make it a focus in your company for at least a few days. So safety professionals shouldn’t waste this chance!

This year’s theme is ‘Make Safety a Habit for Your Career.’

Your company can participate in special NAOSH week events being held across Canada (and the US). (Check the ‘Events’ page on the NAOSH Week website for events in your jurisdiction.)

You can also hold your own in-house events.

For example, the NAOSH Week website has a list of suggested events and activities to consider, including:

  • Conduct a safety audit (use this checklist)
  • Have senior management issue a proclamation on the importance of workplace safety (here’s a model proclamation you can adapt and use)
  • Update the safety posters in your workplace (Go to for some great options, including posters featuring The Simpsons!)
  • Insert NAOSH Week messages in correspondence, memorandums and e-mails to staff
  • Host a PPE fashion show
  • Launch a recognition program for safety suggestions that are implemented or enhance ongoing OHS practices
  • Host a safety day camp for school children, workers and their families
  • Invite school classes to tour your operations, highlighting basic safety features and the importance of working safely
  • Host a public symposium on health and safety issues in your community and work with a local business, service organization or supplier to sponsor the event
  • Work with high school students to promote safety as a career.